Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Shallows

Is it pick on teens week? This was reported on WebMD out of the University of Winnipeg, and finds that teens who text a lot tend to be more selfish. Well, they said more concerned with wealth and image, rather than morals. I'll hold me comment because I see plenty of so called adults who text more than they talk.

The Shallows by Nicholas Carr, referred to in the article. It is an interesting topic and book we discussed in-depth last year about the ever-increasing short attention span we are developing related to technology and the Internet.   


Cartoon Characters said...

I am pretty sure teens were very self-centered and superficial when I was a's just the nature of the beast. Nothing new there! Not sure that that has increased any.....just that there are more studies and more thought and attention given to it....

NPO said...

CC, yes many teens are self-centered and so was I. However, it is different the way some have shut the real world out for the electronic one. We played pickup hockey games or ran around with other kids. We knew what was happening in our city, and we knew the neighbors.
Today some are so tuned out to the world around them as they text and walk in front of cars or bump into you on the sidewalk. Real world social skills for many are not developed yet.

Blonde Saffron said...

From what I have seen, adults who are obsessed with texting are just as materialistic and selfish...

Think of the person who texts while driving: They know that they are putting someone else's life in danger, and yet they continue because their own life is more important... or their meaningless text is more important.

Think of the 'friend' who texts another friend all through your lunch date... because their social communication is more important than giving you their full attention.

Social media is turning us into awful people.

NPO said...

WNP, true the rudeness and shallow people come in all demographics. I understand with the social get together and someone is texting or on FB.

Nurse and Hospital Stories said...

Yeah, short attention span is developing unto our society because of rapid technological advancement of our time. I'm not saying that technology is wrong, but instead, we use technology in a wrong way, causing us not just bad physiological effect but even moral, social and emotional ones.

Thanks for the share,
Peny@nursing shoes