Friday, April 16, 2010

Bay to Breakers

I need some goals in the interim of getting my masters degree. So there is a marathon here every May called the Bay to Breakers and next year will be the 100th year of the event. Why not run it this year? I stopped drinking and smoking a while back but after years of abuse and moderate exercise programs it takes time. My diet also has fluctuate between decent and horrible over the years. I can go to the grocery store and buy healthy foods, then on the way out grab a piece of chocolate cake, they make it so easy the way it sits there calling you. It will also give me time to do a 5k or something shorter in between because this race is 12k or 7.46 miles. The Iron Horse trail which runs for 33 miles is literally right out my front door so there is no excuse for not getting out there.

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